Building a technology future that serves European consumers, businesses and democracy

The Future of Technology Institute (FoTI) is a ‘think & do tank’, dedicated to building a prosperous European future that harnesses the power of technology.

We believe that a technology ecosystem deployed and governed in line with European values offers better choices for consumers, will deliver economic prosperity for businesses and strengthen our democracies.

Future of Technology Institute

Sovereign and prosperous: our vision for the future of the technology ecosystem in Europe

We need competitive, open markets that encourage innovation, produce better products and give consumers real and feasible choices. Today’s digital technology ecosystem fails to serve European consumers, businesses and democracy on multiple counts.

In a changing world where the security of Europe is more at risk than it has been for decades, it is critical that Europe builds a sovereign, technology ecosystem that is not reliant on the decisions of foreign governments or CEOs and has the robustness to protect democracy. This sovereign digital ecosystem must also be prosperous – delivering real value to consumers, businesses and the wider economy.

Read our 10-point plan →

Did you know?

Alphabet’s revenue from advertising revenue in EMEA was 15% larger than the combined global revenue of the EU’s 12 largest publishers

Source: European Commission

Our Mission

We’re on a mission to build a technology future that serves European consumers, businesses and democracy. We do this through:

  • Championing responsible innovation, start-ups and SMEs
  • Promoting competition and growth, making the case for tackling monopolistic behaviours and reshaping uncompetitive markets
  • Supporting open protocols and interoperable standards in large scale consumer and public applications
  • Advocating for technology-climate alignment