About Us

Building a technology future that serves European consumers, businesses and democracy

Sovereign and prosperous: our vision for the future of the technology ecosystem in Europe

We need competitive, open markets that encourage innovation, produce better products and give consumers real and feasible choices. Today’s digital technology ecosystem fails to serve European consumers, businesses and democracy on multiple counts.

In a changing world where the security of Europe is more at risk than it has been for decades, it is critical that Europe builds a sovereign, technology ecosystem that is not reliant on the decisions of foreign governments or CEOs and has the robustness to protect democracy. This sovereign digital ecosystem must also be prosperous – delivering real value to consumers, businesses and the wider economy.

The Future of Technology Institute is an initiative of The Meliore Foundation. We are independent and not aligned to any political party or movement. We do not take funding from tech companies.


Our core team

Sherif Elsayed-Ali

Sherif Elsayed-Ali

Executive Director

Diego Naranjo

Diego Naranjo

EU Advocacy Director

Cori Crider

Cori Crider

Senior Fellow

Sherif Elsayed-Ali

Sherif Elsayed-Ali

Executive Director

As Executive Director of the Future of Technology Institute, Sherif brings unique expertise at the intersection of technology policy, entrepreneurship and human rights. He previously co-founded and served as CEO of Carbon Re, a joint spin-out of Cambridge University and UCL using machine learning to accelerate the decarbonization of foundational materials such as cement. Prior to this, he set up and led the AI for Climate practice at Canadian scale-up Element AI and was co-founder of Amnesty Tech. He was a World Economic Forum Global Future Council co-chair and a fellow at Harvard Kennedy School, both focusing on the intersection of technology and human rights. Sherif has a BSc degree in Civil Engineering from the American University in Cairo and a Masters degree in Public Administration from Harvard.

Diego Naranjo

Diego Naranjo

EU Advocacy Director

Before joining the Future of Technology Institute, Diego was Policy Director at EDRi (European Digital Rights) for nearly 10 years, where he advocated for the protection of citizens rights and responsible technology development and adoption. He has a background in law with significant legal experience in Spain. In his role at FoTI, Diego is instrumental in working with policymakers to understand, adopt, and enforce strong technology policies that benefit consumers and businesses.

Cori Crider

Cori Crider

Senior Fellow

Cori Crider is a Senior Fellow at Open Markets and Future of Technology Institute, where she examines ways to reshape digital markets for the benefit of people and planet. Previously, Cori co-founded Foxglove, a legal non-profit committed to justice in technology. Foxglove’s landmark cases include enforcing the rights of Facebook and Amazon workers, challenging social media’s role in fuelling violence, and defending public value and patient autonomy in the use of health data.

Prior to that she was director at Reprieve, and in 2019 she presented The World According to AI, a documentary for Al Jazeera English. Cori holds a B.A. from the University of Texas and a J.D. from Harvard Law School.